How can I prevent thunderstorm asthma if I have hay fever?

If you have hay fever you are at increased risk of asthma, including during an epidemic thunderstorm asthma event. If you ever experience symptoms of asthma including wheezing, breathlessness, a feeling of tightness in the chest or a persistent cough with your hay fever, talk to your doctor.

If you have hay fever only, see your doctor or pharmacist about how best to treat it and what to do to help protect yourself from the risk of thunderstorm asthma. If you develop asthma symptoms, follow the four steps of asthma first aid and make sure you follow up with your doctor.

As you are at increased risk, you should have an asthma reliever puffer available during grass pollen season.

Refer to the asthma first aid poster or watch the short animation for people with hay fever at

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